International Journal of Computer Engineering and Sciences Research

Subject category

  1. Ad Hoc & Sensor Network
  2. Ad hoc networks for pervasive communications
  3. Adaptive, autonomic and context-aware computing
  4. Ad-Hoc, Mobile, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
  5. Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models
  6. Advanced Numerical Algorithms
  7. Agent-based middleware
  8. Architectures and Computation Models, Compiler, Hardware and OS Issues
  9. Artificial Intelligence & Pattern/Image Recognition
  10. Authentication/Authorization Issues
  11. Autonomic and self-managing middleware
  12. B2B and B2C management
  13. Bio-Informatics
  14. Bio-Medicine
  15. Biotechnology
  16. Broadband and intelligent networks
  17. Broadband wireless technologies
  18. CDMA/GSM Communication Protocol
  19. Cloud Computing and Applications
  20. Collaborative applications
  21. Communication architectures for pervasive computing
  22. Communication systems
  23. Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
  24. Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Soft Computing
  25. Computational Science Aspects of Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Text Mining
  26. Computer and microprocessor-based control
  27. Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
  28. Computer Business
  29. Computer Vision
  30. Computer-based information systems in health care
  31. Computing Ethics
  32. Context-awareness and middleware
  33. Cross-layer design and Physical layer based issue
  34. Cryptography and Foundation of Computer Security
  35. Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) & Information Retrieval
  36. Data Mining
  37. Data Retrieval
  38. Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
  39. Decision making
  40. Digital Economy and Digital Divide
  41. Digital Signal Processing
  42. Distributed Sensor Networks
  43. E-Business Applications
  44. E-Commerce
  45. E-Government
  46. Emerging signal processing areas
  47. Enabling technologies for pervasive systems (e.g., Wireless BAN, PAN)
  48. Encryption
  49. Energy-efficient and green pervasive computing
  50. Event-based, publish/subscribe, and message-oriented middleware
  51. Evolutionary computing and intelligent systems
  52. Expert approaches
  53. Foundations of High-performance Computing
  54. Fuzzy algorithms
  55. Fuzzy logics
  56. GPS and location-based applications
  57. Green Computing
  58. Grid Networking
  59. Hardware/Software Co-design and VLSI Support
  60. Healthcare Management Information Technology
  61. Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
  62. Hybrid Computational Methods
  63. IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail, Anti-virus issues
  64. Image analysis and processing
  65. Image and multidimensional signal processing
  66. Image and Multimedia applications
  67. Industrial applications of neural networks
  68. Information and data security
  69. Information indexing and retrieval
  70. Information Management
  71. Information processing
  72. Information systems and applications
  73. Information Technology and their application
  74. Instrumentation electronics
  75. Intelligent Control System
  76. Intelligent sensors and actuators
  77. Internet applications and performances
  78. Internet Services and Applications
  79. Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Services & Applications
  80. Interworking architecture and interoperability
  81. Knowledge based systems
  82. Knowledge management
  83. Location Based Services
  84. Management information systems
  85. Medical imaging
  86. Micro/ Nano Technology
  87. Middleware Issues
  88. Middleware services and Agent
  89. Technologies
  90. Mobile Agent Computing
  91. Mobile and Wireless Networks
  92. Mobile Computing and Applications
  93. Mobile Computing for e-Commerce
  94. Mobile networks and services
  95. Multimedia Communications
  96. Multimodal sensing and context for pervasive applications
  97. Multi-sensor fusion
  98. Natural Language Processing
  99. Network management and services
  100. Network Modeling and Simulation
  101. Network Performance; Protocols; Sensors
  102. Networking theory and technologies
  103. Neural Networks
  104. New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels and Applications
  105. Open Models and Architectures
  106. Open Source Tools
  107. Operations research
  108. Optical Networks
  109. Pattern Recognition
  110. Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks
  111. Perception and semantic interpretation
  112. Performance optimization
  113. Pervasive Computing
  114. PKI (Public Key Infrastructures)
  115. Positioning and tracking technologies
  116. Possibility Theory, Bayes Network and Hidden Markov Models
  117. Problem Solving Environments
  118. Programming paradigms for pervasive systems
  119. Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
  120. Quality of Services and Communication Protocol
  121. Real-time computer control
  122. Real-time information systems
  123. Real-time multimedia signal processing
  124. Reconfigurable, adaptable, and reflective middleware approaches
  125. Remote Sensing
  126. RFID and sensor network applications
  127. Scalability of middleware
  128. Scientific and Engineering Computing
  129. Security and risk management
  130. Security middleware
  131. Security Systems and Technologies
  132. Security, Privacy and Trust
  133. Sensor array and multi-channel processing
  134. Sensor fusion
  135. Sensors and RFID in pervasive systems
  136. Service oriented middleware
  137. Signal Control System
  138. Signal processing
  139. Smart devices and intelligent environments
  140. Smart home applications
  141. Social Networks and Online Communities
  142. Software engineering techniques for middleware
  143. Software Engineering
  144. Speech interface; Speech processing
  145. Supply Chain Management
  146. System security and security technologies
  147. Technology in Education
  148. Theoretical Computer Science
  149. Theory of Parallel Processing and Distributed Computing
  150. Transportation information
  151. Trust, security and privacy issues in pervasive systems
  152. Ubiquitous and pervasive applications
  153. Ubiquitous Networks
  154. User interfaces and interaction models
  155. Virtual reality
  156. Vision-based applications
  157. Web- and Grid-based Computing and Simulation
  158. Web Technologies
  159. Wired/Wireless Sensor
  160. Wireless Security System
  161. Wireless technology
  162. 3G/4G Network Evolution